
Sahabat adalah Investasiku

Sahabt merupakan asset dalam hidup yang terkadang memberikan dividen hati untk dijadikan ekuitas dalam deposito kehidupan..

Kenangan yang sudah menjadi history takkan pernah mengalami amortisasi..

Keseimbangan cinta sahbat takkan bisa variabel selama saling me-record stiap jurnal kehidupan..

Shbat sejati takkan ber-periode, dan shbat sejati pasti berlajur pada kepermanenan..

Kehidupan akan lebih balance jika menemukan sahabt yang bisa dijadikan statement di setiap neraca hidupnya...

「Septianna Nisa」

12 juni 2011 || 3.14pm

wisuday day :)

This's nice day I guess, cause this's the first of event on vocational high school...
I and my friends wear kebaya costum and make up like the women history is RA. Kartini.. Hehehe
we are together to take many pictures and teachers too, yeah, and they look beatiful girl and handsome boy cause that's never happen which just one time moment in the school after graduated... :)


In the last event any appreciation who's best student student on class... They're attend on the front our parents and teachers...
But I'm not like their... :(

If I can replay my time I'll give to chase my values
till I can become proud my parents and my sister who always give me support hn every time...

Onetime I though that this event never give effect with my rank for one last semester...
I was regret it, I was feelin' that I can't grant the best for my parents...
I'm so sad right now...

For 3 years I've goten number one of rank on class, but when the last appreciate I can't give smile face like onetime to my parents and my sister... Huhu..
That was so bad news for me!

I didn't open my mouth and I couldn't speak anythin'...
I just see my friends get the best appreciate
yeaahh.. Goodluck guys..

I just said in my heart that
" maybe this's not lucky for me now, and I'm really certain that I can give the best for my family and can be proud for my parents and all persons around me in the future and different time"
ammien yaa allah..
Hoppin' I can do that.. Hehe

Septianna Nisa || 10.00pm

June, 01 2011 || the wisuda day ^^



I just wanna say hello to everyone....... ^_^

Masih dalam masa belajar

I`m Septiana.... I`m collage on academic.... and I`m here to share with all of you `bout my life.....
Im looking for a job now..... it for fill my spend time.....